Handscraped, Bronze Blend, and Fruitwood Acacia Hardwood Flooring: Acacia Natural’s Evil Twins?


When he saw them, he wondered:

Are they packing phasers?

Are they here to abduct me?  Some manner of undesirable probing?

Acacia Hardwood flooring was minding his own business out on the mesas and plateaus of the badlands, which doubled as his own private spittoon, when he came upon this caravan of curious looking characters.

They were him. But not.

He primed his sweaty, calloused, and non-existent hand over his six-shooter, but they did not flinch. So he befriended them and fried them up a can full of photosynthesized nutrient chili over his campfire, because that’s just Acacia Natural‘s way.

These new visitors were Acacia flooring as well, but simply different formats: Handscraped, with his rustically textured appearance, made Acacia Natural feel somewhat less rough and tumble about his own smooth face. Acacia Fruitwood brought a feminine touch to the crowd with her burgundy stain. Bronze blend brought his own Apollo-sun-god vibe, glowing gold in the unabated photon blasts of the New Mexican sun.

They all reminisced about applications past: Acacia was the wood used to build the Ark of the Covenant back in biblical times. While it was an honor holding the Ten Commandments and Aaron’s rod and that, it was also kind of boring, just being a stationary sacred container. All the Acacias agreed that it was much more fun adventuring across the southwest US, looking for adventure and whatever came their way.

All was going well until the other Acacias showed up; different stain/surface combinations like handscraped fruitwood, smooth bronze blend, different board widths thrown into the mix to make an army of permutated Acacias strolling towards his camp. Acacia Natural glanced at his satchel, containing his only water canteens and just a few more cans of photosynthesized nutrient chili. While he was once the AotC, he didn’t think he would be able to manage a loaves and fishes feat of catering.

In a split decision, bent on survival, Acacia Natural reached for his firearm and fanned the hammer at all the Acacias. He hopped off the side of the sun-baked plateau and raced across the cracked wasteland.

The unfortunate Acacias who had received the blasting stood up and plucked the bullets from their faces, impervious to firearms due to their superior finish. As Acacia Natural scuttled off into the obscurity of an approaching dust storm, all the other Acacia flooring formats agreed that he was rather rude and disagreeable, and beamed back to their home dimensions for some photosynthesized nutrient fois gras.

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